Hear ye, hear ye.
All items are specially handpicked by me. I bought one for myself and some for y'all from all over the place. So, pretty special, right?

*click for better view*Athena
Headband #1Details: Grecian-inspired silver chain headpiece featuring one-of-a-kind pendant
Price: RM29.90

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Headband #2
Details: Metallic-coloured stretchable turban with diamante detail
Price: RM29.90

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Headband #3
Details: Duo-rosette flexible wire headband in ditsy floral print.
Price: RM19.90

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Headband #4
Details: Black satin Alice band featuring wired flexible-bow with polka-dots net detailing.
Price: RM29.90

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Headband #5
Details: Pocahontas-inspired stretchable headband in brown featuring braided suedette construction with shell-flower detailing.
Price: RM29.90

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Headband #6
Details: An alice band featuring a bow design on a bold zebra-print background.
Price: RM27.90

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Headband #7
Details: Stretchable-headband featuring mini-flowers design with diamante detailing on a purple chiffon-like band.
Price: RM29.90

*click for better view*Camellia
Headband #8Details: Featuring a double flower design on a peach (fabric) elastic headband.
Price: RM19.90
*sold*All items are one-off pieces & non-restockable.
Happy Shopping Yall !